Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thing 22

From 2005
Library 2.0 Movement Sees Benefits in Collaboration with Patrons. Jason Boog
"They hope that the Library 2.0 "movement" will break librarians out of brick-and-mortar establishments and get them to interact with patrons through blog comments, IM and Wiki entries".
So why hasn't this happened by 2008?
American college students don't seem to think libraries need a social networking presence http://www.oclc.org/reports/sharing/default.htm
and I wonder if ours would be any different. I think the blog and wiki things would be a great tool for us to use internally but, if usage of "Ask a Librarian" is any guide, students may not want to interact with us this way. But I guess if we waited for students to tell us what they want before doing anything we'd never do anything much.
So how do we get the balance right between jumping in to use new technology just because it's new (or really not so new in this case) and providing something that students will really engage with because they've asked us for it? There are so many social networking options out there that a library one might not be something that's really high on our students' list of priorities. We'd need to make our blog/wiki/Facebook page something really spectacular to compete - so there's our challenge!

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