Monday, June 23, 2008

Flickr Thing

I wish I'd taken this picture

(unfortunately copyright protected so I can't upload)

Instead of this one

but at least I know I saw a bear in there!

Flickr's great and one day (probably yet another retirement project) I'm sure I'll spend many hours in there. There are some fabulous photos!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Delicious and Technorati

I'm now a fan! I've been meaning to look into this site for ages and have now imported all my favourites from Internet Explorer into It should be a great tool for us all.
Technorati I'm not so sure about. I searched in the posts for “Learning 2.0” and got only 14 hits - none in the blogs or tags but heaps from the directory. Obviously their search function isn't too great.
Hopefully I'll have a little more time now to forge ahead with the rest of the 23 things but every time I look at my RSS feeds I find some really interesting stuff that I just HAVE to look at and there goes another 20 minutes!
Twitter for Librarians: The Ultimate Guide

Google Earth Maps Walt Disney World Resort in 3D

Friday, June 13, 2008

Things 11 and 12

I really haven't been inspired enough by these to persevere much. Tried to create something with the image generator but I kept getting messages that the jpeg file I wanted to import didn't exist so gave up, as it was all taking up too much time that I didn't have. Hopefully I'll have better luck with the next "things".

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Things 9 and 10

Finally! I've had a look at a few wikis and am still getting my head around it all. After not having touched any of this for a while I'm finding that it all runs away from you if you don't keep your skills up. I've just spent about half and hour trying to remember my password!!
Wikis might be a good way for us all to keep "in the loop" with what's going on - perhaps the weekly diary could come out in this form rather than an email?
I've added a page to the wiki - with Jason's help to add the link so that you could actually see the new page - Favourite Places - and put in a couple of photos. Hope you like them. Someone's written a tantalising story about the Daintree. Who are you???